The announcement promo of Leo was unveiled and as expected it shattered records even before completing 24 hours. Starring Thalapathy Vijay in a leading role, the film is helmed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. After the thunderous success of Vikram, Lokesh and Vijay’s collaboration is something everyone has their eyes on and one can only imagine the hype it carries. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt is making his Tamil debut with the film, which also features Arjun Sarja, Mansoor Ali Khan, Mysskin, Gautham Vasudev Menon, Mathew Thomas, Priya Anand and Sandy. Anirudh Ravichander is composing music for the film.
With the upcoming action thriller, Vijay and Lokesh will be reuniting after delivering a commercial success, Master. So it’s obvious that the film is in high demand among buyers. On top of that, it is rumoured to be a part of Lokesh’s universe i.e. in connection with Kaithi and Vikram, multiplying the excitement by infinity. All these factors have now landed the upcoming pan-Indian project in a super recovery mode.
The fans of actor Vijay are over joyed with the back to back updates on their favortie star’s upcoming film with director Lokesh Kanagaraj, which is tentatively called ‘Thalapathy 67’ over the past few days. With the team currently shooting in Kashmir, the latest is that the film’s title has been revealed to be ‘Leo’, with the tagline ‘Bloody Sweet’. The film will be releasing in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Kannada on October 19, 2023.
LEO – Bloody Sweet Promo
The close to three minute promo shows Vijay making chocolates and on the other side making a sword while a lot of men in cars are closing him on his place. Looks like the film is an action packed entertainer with a lot of twists and turns. The promo is quite similar to the one Lokesh Kanagaraj made for Kamal Haasan-starrer ‘Vikram’. But going by the same concept, it can be understood that the promo is just a teaser for the film and nothing much of these visuals can be expected in the movie.
Produced by SS Lalit Kumar of Seven Screen Studio and co-produced by Jagadish Palanisamy, Leo is currently in production and the cast and crew have flown to Kashmir for shooting. A promo video featuring the cast and crew boarding the flight to Kashmir was also released today. Reports stated earlier that the film could have a Deepavali release this year.
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