The makers of Hansika Motwani’s Tamil film Maha have explained that the Madras High Court has not given any stay on its release after its director UR Jameel as of late moved to the court. Hansika’s 50th film ‘Maha’ has been coming to fruition for quite a while. The film is written by U.R.Jameel and directed by U.R.Jameel. Below the article here you can find the Maha movie latest news details.
Mathi Azhagan, under the banner of Etcetera Entertainment, ‘Maha‘ also stars Sanam Shetty, Thambi Ramaiah, Karunakaran, Mahat Raghavendra, Suijith Shankar, Nanditha Jennifer, and Srikanth. The music of Maha has been composed by Gibran, while Madhi is the film’s cinematographer, and Johan Abraham completes the change.
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Maha Movie Latest News Details
The teaser suggests that the film pivots around a pedophile chronic killer who gives the cops and the general population restless nights. Likewise, he has now hijacked a child who is close to Hansika’s Maha. And Simbu appears as Malik, an airplane pilot who can toss a right snare or two in the end. He is additionally the romantic interest of Maha.
The teaser has less Hansika Motwani and a considerable measure of Simbu and Srikanth. Despite being the star of the film, we see Hansika in a movement of blasts, while the men convey everything and fighting stealthily. Perhaps, director U R Jameel is saving Hansika’s best action chops for the trailer.
Happy to release the trailer of #Maha 😊Congratulations @ihansika ji for ur 50th film 👍
Best wishes @SilambarasanTR_ sir @Act_Srikanth sir @GhibranOfficial @dir_URJameel @malikstreams @Etceteraenter @MathiyalaganV9 & the entire team for a big success 👍
— Sivakarthikeyan (@Siva_Kartikeyan) July 2, 2021